• Find positive relational patterns to tap into for authentic support and empowerment
• Root yourself in inspired purpose to live a more meaningful life
• Find a pathway to thrive in these challenging times
Every person operates through their archetypes and knowing about yours is one of the most helpful ways to empower yourself effectively.
Our behaviors are an expression of the choices we make – which are rooted in our belief systems and archetypal perspectives.
Working with archetypes reveals our patterns that affect the quality of our relationships, the decisions we make, our habitual responses, and how we navigate the challenges in our lives.
All of us have archetypes that contribute to our understanding of that story and form patterned behaviors reinforcing the story plots that make the most sense to us.
Learn about how to start identifying your archetypal characteristics and what knowing your archetypal perspectives can do to help you
discover new and empowering ways to approach relationships with others. ________________________________________________________________________